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Reconstructive intensive training "Human Consciousness"

Step into a transformative journey to master human conduct and energy. Gain the skills to make a profound  impact in the field of human consciousness.

Facilitated by:  Carola Castillo - Founder/Director of RIIHS*


Venue:  Samaya Center - The Netherlands

 Date:  February 20-24, 2025

 Language: English

Limited spaces available

Price: 1100 euro (accommodation in Samaya Center not included) 


In this Reconstructives training, we will explore how early childhood programming, particularly from ages 0 to 6, shapes human behavior. Understanding these foundational years is key to dismantling limiting beliefs and behaviors.

This program is designed to offer deep and authentic transformation through self-awareness, personal responsibility, and conscious decision-making.

Our method encourages self-awareness, personal accountability, and conscious choice to foster profound and authentic change.


Participants will:

  • Master individual consultations based on human behavior principles from the Reconstructives school.

  • Lead group dynamics and apply Reconstructives techniques in in-person workshops.


Who Is This For?

  • Professionals: Therapists, Psychologists, Coaches, Social Workers, Educators.

  • Passionate individuals eager to dive into human development and consciousness.


 * Carola Castillo (1961) from Venezuela - She is the founder and Director of RIIHS (Reconstructive International Integrative Holistic School).
Author, international speaker, and facilitator.
Certified in 2022 by Universidad Yacambú in "Recognition of Knowledge" for her experience in the field of human growth.  Her Coaching program and Reconstructives are exclusive models of RIIHS, marking a significant contribution to her work and entrepreneurship.


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February 20-24, 2025

Samaya Center - The Netherlands

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Reconstructive workshops 2025

Facilitator Juliette Rijnfrank

Reconstructive is een vernieuwende methode. Een unieke ervaring van groepsdynamiek, energetisch lichaamswerk en systemisch werk. Het brengt je in contact met het oorspronkelijke en van waaruit we vastzittende lagen in onszelf gezonder kunnen maken. Via het lichaam gaan we zonder woorden op verschillende lagen werken, op het denken, op de emoties en op wat oorspronkelijk in ons aanwezig is, maar waar we geen contact meer mee kunnen maken. 

Strand zonsondergang

24 mei 2025

 1-daagse workshop


Juliette strand 2.jpg

12 & 13  juli 2025

2- daagse workshop


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